Saturday 7 July 2012

Battle of Badar and the Death of Abu Jahal

Two Pronged Attack (Muaz and Muawwiz Chasing Syahid)

When ye sought help of your Lord and He answered you (saying): I will help you with a thousand of the angels, rank on rank. (Al-Anfal : 9)

Both armies marched closer, preparing themselves to fight till their death. The valley which used to be fertile was washed with blood which belonged to the Syuhada’ and Quraisy’s army. The sound of blades clashing were heard everywhere.

After meeting Prophet Muhammad, Abdul Rahman bin Auf returned to the war zone. Suddenly he was approached by two boys, Muaz bin Amr al-Jamuh, 14 and, Muawwiz bin Afra who was only 13 from Ansar clan. Both of them were armed with swords, but the opposition army didn’t bother to fight them as they thought both of them were harmless because of their age. However the Quraisy wanted Abdul Rahman bin Auf being captured alive so that they can make him as captive because he was known to be a rich merchant.

“Dear son, you are too young to be involved with this war. It would be the best for you two to leave this place at once.” Said Abdul Rahman bin Auf as he was concerned with the safety of both of them.

“We have our parents’ permission to join this Muhammad’s force.” Muaz replied.

“I came here to kill Abu Jahal. Show me where he is.” Muawwiz said ardently.

At first Abdul Rahman bin Auf didn’t bother to listen to both of them but after he was pushed several times, he finally agreed to their request.

“Okay, I will show him to you when we see Abu Jahal. But can I know what would you do when you see him?” He asked.

“My mother asked me not to return home as long his head is not separated from his body!” answered Muaz fervently.

“Abu Jahal has been hurting and saying bad things to Rasulullah. I want to kill him!” Muawwiz added.

Abdul Rahman bin Auf smiled as he listened to what both of them had to say. He was impressed by their bravery and he promised to show them where Abu Jahal was hiding. Suddenly a Quraisy army approached from behind to kill Abdul Rahman. Muaz and Muawwiz saw he was coming and quickly protected Abdul Rahman. Muaz slashed his leg, which led him to fall down and then Muawwiz stabbed him to death. Abdul Rahman bin Auf was again impressed.

“Show us where Abu Jahal!” Muaz said as if he has been waiting for 100 years to kill him.

Abdul Rahman bin Auf saw Abu Jahal under a shady tree. He was riding his horse as he yelled to his soldiers to keep on fighting.

“Thank you, uncle. I’ll get him.” Muaz said as he was running towards him.

“I’ll help him to kill the man who has been the sworn enemy of Allah and His Messenger.” Muawwiz said.

“Be careful because he is being guarded by Quraisy army.” Abdul Rahman bin Auf reminded them. He couldn’t help because he was facing several numbers of Quraisy army.

Muaz and Muawwiz ran towards Abu Jahal without even bother to think about their own safety. At that time Abu Jahal was still on his horse. He didn’t see Muaz and Muawwiz were coming towards him. Muaz was there first. He slashed the horse’s right leg which caused the horse to fall headlong. Abu Jahal fell too. He raged as he was bearing his pain. The leader of the Quraisy army tried to stand up but Muaz quickly slashed his right leg until it was torn apart, separated from his body. Muawwiz on the other hand came to aid and slashed Abu Jahal’s head which made him to fall and struggle in an unbearable pain.

Ikramah, son of Abu Jahal who was there quickly came to help his father. He attacked Muaz and slashed his left hand until it almost separated from his body. Ikramah let Muaz to run away as he saw Muawwiz was on the verge of killing his father. Then the battle between Muawwiz and Ikramah happened. But Ikramah was proven to be a skillful sword fighter not to mention he was far older compared to Muawwiz. Finally, Muawwiz was killed and rewarded Syahid.

On the other side, after Muaz managed to slash Abu Jahal with his sword, he ran to see Prophet Muhammad. But he was disturbed by his left hand which was badly injured and left hanging, almost separated from his body. He stopped and decided to step on his left hand, breaking it off his body. Then he said, “This hand is disturbing me from seeing Rasulullah.”

Without bothering his pain, he ran until he managed to see Rasulullah. Then he hugged him tightly.

“Rasulullah, Muawwiz and I managed to hurt Abu Jahal. But he was still alive because we were attacked by his son and his friends.” Muaz told him and showed Rasulullah where Abu Jahal was located.

Prophet Muhammad called Abdullah bin Mas’ud who was nearby and asked him to get to Abu Jahal.
Abdullah Bin Mas’ud quickly went and searched for him. He saw the leader of Quraisy was badly hurt but he was still alive. Without mercy he stepped on Abu Jahal’s neck and said, “Oh enemy of Allah and His Messenger, as today Allah has insulted you!”

He raised his sword to decapitate him but Abu Jahal asked, “Before you kill me, tell me which side is winning the war?”

“Quraisy army has lost. The victory is for Allah and His Messenger only.”

“You lied to me oh sheep herder!” Abu Jahal said. He was still being stubborn and persistent even he was badly hurt.

Abdullah bin Mas’ud swung his sword and decapitated Abu Jahal.


  1. Allah.
    tough sgguh muaz n muawwiz :)
    i'm sure all muslim wants syahid :')
    insyaAllah. moga Allah perkenankan

  2. That's great war. I am proud that I have a son with the name of Muaz. He is my eldest son.

    Thanks to Almighty Allah.
