Wednesday 12 March 2014

How Far Away?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

ا سَـــــــلاَمُ عَلَيــْــكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكـَـاتُه

How Far Away?

It will not be long, until your son comes home to you and tells you that he wants to be married with another man.

It will not be long, until your daughter who you care so much involves deeply in prostitution and is being touched by many hands and that is by the state’s law, legal.

It will not be long, until you find your friend on the same bed with your own wife.

It will not be long, until your son robs you because he is badly in need of drugs.

It will not be long, until your son is so intoxicated with alcohol that he lost his own judgement.

It will not be long, until your wife walks with you at park dressing half naked and you can’t help with those vicious eyes of public staring at your wife like hungry animals!

Please…take a good look around you and wake up…  T_T

There's a small voice playing inside your mind telling you that none of all this...none will be happening to your friends, to your family...

I pray you're right...


The day will not be long, until you realise that something which is happening in our society is wrong! …but is accepted by public…but it is what specified in the state’s law.

So that you can’t do anything.

On that day you might be powerless, you sit at a corner pondering what you did wrong in their upbringing. Why your own son has turn against you, why your own beloved daughter don’t listen to you anymore. What position do you have as a father, as a mother in their heart and you might even lose your status as a husband, as a protector to your own wife!

Or is everything that I just mentioned above okay with you?

People will be so infatuated by LUST that they don’t want anyone to bother them! Not even their FRIENDS, not their BROTHER, not their SISTER, not their MOTHER or not their FATHER!
On that day you will see how tiny the differences between a human being and an animal…

Love is no more sacred…

Family is a joke…

Friends are disposable…  

Can’t you see it?

Back in the day prostitution is considered by public a great sin!

Back in the day same-sex-marriages is by disposition not acceptable!

Back in the day switching partners is by self-conscious wrong!

On this day child-pornography is considered wrong.

On this day human trafficking is strictly opposed.

But who can promise you the same thing tomorrow?

But as time passes, we are deceived. What were wrongs seem likely acceptable these days.

One day you will realise that it is too late to change.

On that day you can’t do anything.

On that day people search to satisfy their lust but they lose everything.

~How far away until we are completely lost and deceived?~

Sunday 9 March 2014


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

ا سَـــــــلاَمُ عَلَيــْــكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكـَـاتُه

What Reiichi thought a quiet and peaceful Sunday turned out to be the day he will not forget. Ever.


Being a manager of a large company had make Reiichi a very busy man. Every week he would fly around the globe just to do business with foreign companies.

He recalled the day before when he received a visit from his old friend, Ren.

They were sitting together over their drinks, Ren took out a picture.

“It was very nice, travelling and spending time with you, Reiichi.” Ren smiled.

“Me too.” Reiichi grinned as he looked as the picture.

“How are you?”

“I’m good, thank you. I just made a big contract with a Japanese company.” Reiichi gladly replied.

“Alhamdulillah. Are you happy, Reiichi?” Ren asked.

Reiichi startled before he could answer. “I…of course I’m happy. Why?”

Ren slowly shook his head as he formed a half smile. “Nothing. I’m glad you happy.”

Both of them continued to recollect their past moments for about another 20 minutes. Before Ren left, he passed the picture to Reiichi.

“I want you to keep it. I’m looking forward to see you again, Reiichi. Remember the time we were all together as friends, travelled many places to get closer to Allah. I appreciate the Ukhuwah* we built. Uhibbukafillah*, Reiichi.” Ren said before he gave Reiichi a light hug and left.

The words struck Reiichi for a moment. He sat there at the café for about 10 minutes before he regained his consciousness. He admits being a successful man had made him apart from Allah.

He barely performs prayers.

He was closer to big companies but further apart from the house of Allah.

He struts more frequent than he prostrates. 

He touches what prohibited to him more often than he takes ablution.


He watched helplessly the hot cup of coffee fell from the table and spilled on the floor. But he didn’t hear it smash. He was confused. He frowned as he realized his right hand was clutching tightly on his chest. He tried to draw breath, but every attempt was futile. He strained his mind, trying with great effort to form a prayer to God.

But he couldn’t. He forgot.

He forgot how to pray.

Suddenly he was afraid of his death. He knew he was not prepared. All those years of sins and ignorance came back to him in a flash. Darkness consumed him. He finally cried. The images kept coming before him. He was ashamed of what he had done.

All the sins… Gambling. Cheating. Backbiting. Deceiving. Riba’. Adultery and Consuming Alcohol.

He had Momentary Joy. All the excitement from the sins he had done only last for a short moment. Reiichi had a good life before. He was in good health. But he was deceived by the devils by committing what is prohibited to him and he wasted his youth. He wished he could turn back time.

Reiichi lay on the floor. His lips tried to mumble something.


[Iblees] said, "My Lord, because You have put me in error, I will surely make [disobedience] attractive to them on earth, and I will mislead them all.