Saturday 30 March 2013

Little Angel

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

ا سَـــــــلاَمُ عَلَيــْــكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكـَـاتُه

On every friday, after their Friday Prayer, an Imaam, who was a pious man, Reiichi and his 7 year old son, Ren would walk around the city where they live and give out pamphlets with the title "The Roads to Heaven" and few other titles.

On a very calm Friday, as Reiichi and his son went out to distribute their Islamic pamphlets, the sky suddenly turned dark and the air became cold. Suddenly rain poured down heavily. 
As Reiichi looked out to the sky from the door, Ren emerged from his side, adjusted his clothes and said, "Daddy, I'm ready."

Reiichi was shocked. He said "Ready for what, son?"

"Daddy aren't we going out to give the others pamphlets about Allah?"

"Son, it's cold out there and the rain is still heavy." Reiichi replied.

"But daddy, aren't there humans who would still go to hell even if it's raining?" Ren asked back.

Reiichi was taken aback. "I'm not ready to go out in this weather."

"Then can I go daddy?" Asked Ren fervently.

At first Reiichi hesitated to give the pamphlets to his son, but after Ren begged he gave up.

"Please be careful son, Allah is with you!" 

"Thank you daddy !"

With a gleaming face Ren went happily to the city centre to distribute his pamphlets until he reached the suburb. The small and little body disappeared in the sea of human, busy distributing the pamphlets to everyone he met. He also knocked on every door and gave the pamphlets to the owners. After nearly two hours, he had one pamphlet left. Ren felt that it his responsibility to finish every piece of pamphlets. He walked around for a while to find the last person but failed. Then he saw a small house hidden at a corner of a road. He mustered his strength and walked to the house. He pressed the bell. He waited for a while but there was no answer. He knocked the door. Again, no answer. He was about to left but he hesitated. Somehow Ren felt that this is the house where he must deliver his pamphlet. He pressed the button again. 

Finally the door opened slowly. Standing before Ren was an old lady in her 60s. Her mien was forlorn and sorrow. 
"Yes son...can I help you with something?"   
Ren face beamed beautifully as if he was an angel from the sky.

"Sorry maam for bothering you. I just want to say that Allah loves you very much and always takes care of you. I came to deliver the pamphlet and you are indeed the luckiest person." 

He smiled and bowed before he left. 

"Thank you son, may God be with you." The old lady replied in a soft voice.


The next Friday came and as usual before the Friday prayer the Imaam will give his sermon. As Reiichi closed his speech he asked the people, "Does anyone have something to say?"

Suddenly someone rose slowly. She was the same old lady. In a frail voice she started to speak. "I think nobody in this concourse knows me. I never attend this assembly even once. For your information, before the last Friday I was not even a Muslim. My husband had just left me alone in this world few weeks ago and I nearly followed him." Her eyes started to water.

"On last Friday I finally took decision to kill myself. I had the chair and the rope prepared. I tied the rope to the ceiling and the other end to my neck. As I was about to jump, my bell rang. I waited for a while, thinking that the person who pushed that button will eventually leave. But then it rang again, and I heard someone knocked on my door. I asked myself, nobody has ever be persistent and waited that long before. So I loosen up the rope and headed for the door. When I opened the door, I have never seen such a cute child before me. His smile was so sincere and his voice was angelic." 

[ Sorry maam for bothering you. I just want to say that Allah loves you very much and always takes care of you.]

That was the most beautiful words I have ever heard in my life. I watched the small angel walked in the rain. After I closed my door, I read the pamphlet, page by page. Lastly I put the rope and the chair to the place where they belong. I don't need that anymore.

And now, here I am standing as a happy person, humble servant to the only God, ALLAH. There was an address written on the back of the pamphlet. That's why I am here today. If it wasn't for the small angel who came on that day my spirit would surely be forever in hell."

Everybody was crying and shouted out, ALLAHUAKBAR, ALLAHUAKHBAR (Allah the Great, Allah the Great). The Imaam came down from his place and hugged his son tightly, crying his heart out. 

That was the most meaningful Friday for him. 

Please share his story :)

Allah loves all his servants.