Friday 1 June 2012

Story # 1 ~Dawn~

It was an icy dawn, and the breeze was mean enough to prick deep into his skin as he opened the window by his bed. The atmosphere and terrains were a little bit misty, consumed with darkness. It took him quite a while to adapt himself with the gloom.

He looked up to see a mass of dark cloud slowly moved from its place, revealing the full moon which was almost orange in colour, with a speck of red colour that brought the amazing look. Birds were chirping beautifully and trees stood blissfully, as if they were praising to Allah s.w.t. He felt his heart and his mind have never been this calm and relaxed before.


He glanced towards the small alarm clock to see the digital read exactly 5 a.m. Carefully, he opened the door to make sure the old rusty hinge didn’t make any sound to wake his friends. Getting into the bathroom, he brushed his teeth and performed ablutions. The water was cold enough to freeze his veins and arteries, but he managed to fight off the chill.

The liquid gave him a good wake up call, just like when a 3-inches Physics reference book did at the time when it was dropped right in front of his face by his lecturer for sleeping in class. He recalled vividly how Mr. Tan reminded him to his poor grade in his 10 minutes extra lecture. But the same thing happen every session of Physics lecture, no matter how many times he tried to fight off the urge to sleep. 

Then he walked into the prayer room to see Reiichi was sleeping on a small mat where he used to pray. He looked down to the little kitten as he slept cutely, before he softly rubbed him.

He took another mat from the drawer and performed Tahajjud prayer next to Reiichi. He asked fervently to Allah s.w.t so that he himself, his family, his friends and other muslims to be rewarded Syahid and get accepted into His Jannah not to mention he prayed for him to be destined with a good decent wife. After he finished, he cast a lovely smile to Reiichi.

“I hope you’ll pray for me too, Rei.” He whispered softly. The kitten’s ears twitched, as if he listened.

About 5 minutes later his heart suddenly shook at the moment he heard the first word, trembling in a way in which no such words exist to describe it. He felt so small, and his eyes began to water. 

Allahu Akbar  2X
Ash-hadu alla ilaha illallah 2X
Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah 2X
Hayya 'alas-salah 2X
Hayya 'alal-falah 2X
Aṣ-ṣalatu khayru min an-naum 2X
Allahu akbar 2X
La ilaha illallah

God is Great 2X
I bear witness that there is no god except the One God. 2X
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God. 2X
Hurry to the prayer (Rise up for prayer) 2X
Hurry to success (Rise up for Salvation)  2X
Prayer is better than sleep 2X
God is Great 2X
There is no god except the One God

"BEEP" He heard his cell phone across the living room which almost woke up Rei. 
A text message came in and he smiled softly. 

[ By the Time! Verily man is in loss. Save those who believe, and 
do good deeds, and exhort each other to truth and exhort each other to endurance. 
Assalamualaikum Chakir !! Let make today even better from yesterday  :P ]

-to be contiued-

-Reiichi Kawaii-


  1. waalaikumusalam . tolong jawab utk chakir :P
    pinjam bahu boleh ? T______T
    oh and it sounds more like you're describing yourself :)
    bole privatize ni? bia aku je yg baca >.< hihi

  2. ok tak payah privatize. haha
    dah baca byk kali. nk hafal pula :P

  3. oh lamanya nak tunggu mereka ni solat subuh. huahua

    1. haha tp scene dye x semestinye bersambungg :P
